by Steve Gibson | Jul 29, 2015 | 192nd Postings, Co. B, Slider
MBDO President, Col. Richard McMahon, Jr., recently took on the task of assisting the family of one of the fallen heroes of Co. B of the 192nd Tank Battalion. Sgt. Lawrence J. Jordan fought in the first tank battles on Bataan and later would be taken prisoner by the...
by Steve Gibson | Apr 25, 2015 | 192nd Postings, Co. B, Slider
“If Mr. Abe comes here I would like him to say, ‘I bring with me an apology from the industrial giants that enslaved American POWs.’ He could say that very easily …” – Lester Tenney, Co. B, 192nd Tank Battalion, former Japanese POW...
by Steve Gibson | Oct 2, 2014 | Bataan Days, Slider
Here is the keynote speech presented by CSM Mark W. Bowman, Illinois National Guard at the 72nd Annual Maywood Bataan Day Memorial Service. Transcript follows video and additional information about CSM Bowman is at the bottom of this page. Transcript of CSM...
by Steve Gibson | Apr 15, 2014 | Bataan Days, Co. B, Slider
Ed. Note: Original video below was replaced with a higher quality, higher resolution video. My apologies for the original bad video. A decade home. Certainly the time flew by. Ten years after the end of World War II, the citizens of Maywood, Illinois gathered on a...
by Steve Gibson | Dec 28, 2013 | Co. D, Slider
I was advised of this very nice article about A. L. Humphrey, a Texan who was part of Co. D of the 192nd and survived the Battle of Bataan, the Death March, POW camps, the Hell Ships and slave labor in Japan. Nice photographs as well as personal memories. Pvt. A. L....