2008 Harrodsburg Commemorative Event

President McMahon and Jim Opolony of the Proviso East Bataan Commemorative Project were invited guests at this event. President McMahon took photos of some of the illustrations at that event and those photos are...

Co. D Information

Company ‘D’ consisted mostly of men from the Harrodsburg, KY area. From the Kentucky History Society web page: Harrodsburg Tank Battalion, 192nd: Survivors of the Bataan Death March Oral History Project. The Japanese invaded the Philippines in December...
Last of the 192nd

Last of the 192nd

After discovering that both survivors from Co. C of the 192nd passed away in 2016 – Pvt. Harmon and Pvt. Naymick – it is great to hear that the last surviving member of the 192nd Tank Battalion, Pvt. William L. Arnold (Co. D), is still doing well in...