Sgt. Lawrence J. Jordan (Courtesy of Proviso East Bataan Commemorative Project – http://BataanProject.com)
MBDO President, Col. Richard McMahon, Jr., recently took on the task of assisting the family of one of the fallen heroes of Co. B of the 192nd Tank Battalion. Sgt. Lawrence J. Jordan fought in the first tank battles on Bataan and later would be taken prisoner by the Japanese on April 9, 1942. Larry survived the Death March, POW camps, Hell Ships and slave labor. Later, Larry would mistakenly be linked with a German spy. You can read more about Sgt. Jordan, and the German spy, on the Proviso East Bataan Commemorative Project webpage — http://bataanproject.com/Jordan.html.
The MBDO was asked by Jim Opolony, of the Proviso East Bataan Commemorative Project, to assist in placing a headstone on Sgt. Jordan’s grave, located at Mt. Carmel Catholic cemetery in Hillside, Illinois, near Maywood. Jim had visited the gravesite and no headstone appeared to have been placed on the grave.
Col. McMahon followed up with the cemetery, and was told by cemetery staff where he could find the grave — and also confirmed that there WAS a headstone on the grave.
In a subsequent visit, the graves were located, and, in fact, Sgt. Jordan DOES have a headstone. But due to settling, the headstone is now below grade. Col. McMahon asked the cemetery to repair that, and they have agreed. Upon hearing about the headstone – and receiving Col. McMahon’s pictures and narrative, Sgt. Jordan’s daughter, Shannon, replied, “Just remarkable.So many wonderful memories flooding back. God Bless You.”
Col. McMahon later wrote in an email to other members of the MBDO board, “That is a real good feeling.”
Who wouldn’t agree with that?