by Steve Gibson | Sep 3, 2016 | Bataan Days, MBDO News, Slider
Here are the 2016 Maywood Bataan Day event details. Linked below are the press release, Program Booklet and Programme Insert. If you have questions, please call VP Edwin Walker at 708-345-7077. MBDO Press Release 2016 MBDO Event Booklet 2016 MBDO PROGRAMME INSERT...
by Steve Gibson | Jun 15, 2016 | Bataan Related, MBDO News, Slider
MBDO President Richard A. McMahon, Jr. & MBDO Director Ed Brotonel represented MBDO at this wonderful event sponsored by Honorable Generoso D.G. Calonge, Philippine Consul General in Chicago. Special thanks to Anna Liza F. Alcantara, Consulate Cultural Officer,...
by Steve Gibson | Apr 11, 2016 | Bataan Days, Bataan Related, MBDO News, Slider
Maywood Bataan Day Organization President Richard A. McMahon Jr. and Director Ed Brotonel joined members of the Philippine Consulate in Chicago to mark the 74th anniversary of the fall of Bataan in World War II. The Chicago-area has a deep and long-lasting memory of...
by Steve Gibson | Dec 30, 2015 | Co. B, MBDO Activities, MBDO News, Slider
The Maywood Bataan Day Organization (MBDO), on behalf of Ben Morin’s brother, Paul, made a request to the US Army, Awards & Decorations Branch, for posthumous award of the Bronze Star Medal. The request was approved and the medal has been received by his...
by Richard McMahon | Nov 3, 2015 | MBDO News
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by Steve Gibson | Oct 5, 2015 | MBDO News
Maywood Bataan Day Director-At-Large Barry Cicero has lost his gallant battle with cancer. A tireless positive campaigner for veterans, Barry worked as Veteran Liaison for the MBDO. In addition, Mr. Cicero enjoyed a lifelong relationship with the American Legion,...