Vets Day at MAC 2017

Vets Day at MAC 2017

Col. McMahon has completed his updates on the great new gallery of photos from the Veterans Day Ceremonies at the Manila American Ceremony, this past November. Click GALLERIES in the menu at the top of the page, then PHILIPPINE EVENTS ALBUM to find these and other...
Philippine Veterans Week 2016

Philippine Veterans Week 2016

Col. McMahon was unable to attend this year’s event in person, so the Veterans Memorial and Historical Division of the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office was kind enough to share their photos from their Facebook page. if you want to see more, please visit them...
We Remember April 9th

We Remember April 9th

Maywood Bataan Day Organization President Richard A. McMahon Jr. and Director Ed Brotonel joined members of the Philippine Consulate in Chicago to mark the 74th anniversary of the fall of Bataan in World War II. The Chicago-area has a deep and long-lasting memory of...