Maywood Bataan Day 2021 Postponed

Maywood Bataan Day 2021 Postponed

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Board of the Maywood Bataan Day Organization has decided to postpone this year’s event until September 11, 2022. At that time, we will mark the 80th anniversary of the first Maywood Bataan Day. Please stay safe. We...
New Board Member – Kimyada Wellington

New Board Member – Kimyada Wellington

President Richard McMahon and the rest of the Board of Directors are proud to welcome Kimyada Wellington to the Maywood Bataan Day Organization board of Directors. Kimyada brings several years of public service as a Village of Maywood Trustee to the board and is proud...
Recommended Reading on Bataan Day

Recommended Reading on Bataan Day

Due to the pandemic, this year’s Maywood Bataan Day has been delayed until 2021. In the absence of an official memorial service, the Directors of the Maywood Bataan Day Organization recommend that interested person might want to revisit some prior Bataan Days...