One of the most rewarding facets of working with the Maywood Bataan Day Organization is the chance to help immediate family members receive the medals that the men of the 192nd earned for their heroic service.

In the confusion and relief of the end of WWII, many of these men never bothered to collect the commendations that they were due. Today, these awards often bring a welcome memory to the survivors and their families.

The MBDO is honored to help and our President, Col. Richard McMahon, has some tips for families who wish to research and hopefully receive these medals. Please read the following for more information.

Medals Awarded to the Men of the 192nd

The actual medals awarded varies according to the specific role and location that each man had in the battles. However, generally these medals were awarded to those who were taken prisoner:

  • Bronze Star Medal
  • Prisoner of War Medal
  • Good Conduct Medal
  • Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
  • American Defense Service Medal
  • World War II Victory Medal
  • Combat Infantryman Badge
  • Distinguished Unit Citation Ribbon/Presidential Unit Citation
  • Honorable Service Lapel Button WW II

To see these medals, and learn their history, please visit:

Steps to Receiving Medals

Rather than repeat them here, the specific steps to request a list of awarded medals, as well as the actual medals, can be found here:

As part of that process you should end up with a list of the medals awarded to the 192nd veteran. This will leave you with one of two scenarios:

1. You request the documents and find that the medals that have been awarded are those on our list. Next, if you are consider “primary next-of-kin” you can request replacement or, if you are not considered “primary next-of-kin”, you will need to purchase the medals yourself. Here is one selected vendor for replacement medals:


2. You request the documents and find that the medals that have been awarded do not include those on our list. Then a case has to be made to the US Army’s Human Resources Command, Alexandria, VA, by letter with attached proof, for any that are missing. Here again, if you as the “primary next-of-kin” requests, then you will get medals and certificates. If you are not “primary next-of-kin”, then you will receive a  letter that verifies eligibility and have to purchase the medals yourself using a source such as the one cited in scenario #1 above.

NOTE: PRIMARY NEXT-OF-KIN means spouse, child, father or mother, brother or sister, grandchild.

If you have additional questions, please email Pres. McMahon at

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