Veterans Day at MAC 2018 photos posted

Veterans Day at MAC 2018 photos posted

Maywood Bataan Day Organization (MBDO) thanks Robert L. Hudson, Vice President, FAME (Filipino American Memorial Endowment), Consultant to & Member Bataan WW2 Museum, for these photos. MBDO also thanks MBDO Director Steve Gibson for creating this Gallery. To view...
Bataan Day 2018 – September 9th

Bataan Day 2018 – September 9th

The Maywood Bataan Day Organization asks you to “save the date” for the next annual Maywood Bataan Day Service. As always (or at least since 1942), the service will be the second Sunday in September, which this year is September 9th. The service will begin...


Welcome from the President of the Maywood Bataan Day Organization and the Board of Directors. This is the official website for the Maywood Bataan Day Organization. Here you will find information about the MBDO, as well as historical information about our origins and...
Col. McMahon @ Pearl Harbor

Col. McMahon @ Pearl Harbor

Our own President, Col. Richard McMahon, Jr., has been busy while he’s hopping around the Pacific. Here’s an article recently published where he talks about his time volunteering at the Pearl Harbor Memorial in Hawai’i. Snowbird...
Last Man – Lester Tenney Dies, Age 96

Last Man – Lester Tenney Dies, Age 96

Lester Tenney has passed away. He was the last man from Co. B, and the last Maywood-born member of the 192nd Tank Battalion. He was also a past president of the American Bataan Clan (the predecessor for the MBDO). Lester was a tireless advocate for POWs in his life...