Welcome from the President of the Maywood Bataan Day Organization and the Board of Directors.

This is the official website for the Maywood Bataan Day Organization. Here you will find information about the MBDO, as well as historical information about our origins and our continuing mission.

We recommend you start with the history of our organization, which you will find by clicking here. After you read that, you may want to read more about the men of the 192nd, as well as the photos which catalog Bataan Day ceremonies past and present.

If this information makes you want to learn more, you’ll find links here that will lead you to other excellent sources of information.

And if you wish to help us, please go here to learn how to donate time or money to help us continue our work.

Please also take the time to leave us any thoughts you may have, or questions in the comments sections on most page. And if you’d like to be kept up to date on everything the MBDO and its members and directors are doing on behalf of the MBDO, please subscribe to our website.

Thank you for taking the time to visit this site.

Col. Richard A. McMahon, Jr.
President, Maywood Bataan Day Organization