A recently discovered photo, showing family members of the men of the 192nd praying at the First Methodist Church in Maywood. This photo, showing evidence of corrections made before publication, was printed on January 10, 1945. This was only days before the Chicago Tribune published the horrific details revealed about the POW experience in Bataan which had been reported by Lt. Col. Ed Dyess and censored for nearly a year.
Sadly, Mrs. Vertuno’s son and Virginia’s brother, Russell Vertuno, would not return from Bataan. Even sadder, Virginia had become engaged to Sgt. Ralph Ellis before he left for Bataan and Virginia’s sister Rose Vertuno had been engaged to James Bainbridge before he left with the rest of Co. B for the Philippines. Neither fiance would return home alive.
S/Sgt Robert Peterson, son of Maywood Police Lt. John Peterson and Maybelle Peterson, would survive 3 1/2 years as a prisoner and return home.