Editors Note: This year, we will be making a special effort to remember each and every known member of the 192nd Tank Battalion. As part of that remembrance, we will list each day the members who were killed or died on that date, along with links for additional information as available. We look forward to your comments.

January 14, 1945

T/4 Joseph S. Kwiatkowski (B)

T/4 Kwiatkowski

T/4 Kwiatkowski

T/4 Joseph S. Kwiatkowski escaped to Corregidor with other members of Co. B just before the fall of Bataan. After the fall of Corregidor in May, 1942, he and other POWs were marched in shame through the streets of Manila by the Japanese. He was also a member of the “death detail”. Scheduled to ship out on a hell ship, he was deemed to sick to travel. He died in Ft. McKinley Hospital and is buried at the Manila American Cemetery in Manila.

Learn more about T/4 Joseph S. Kwiatkowski here: http://bataanproject.com/Kwiatkowski.html


January 14, 1985

Pvt. Anthony J. Shrelnes (A)

Pvt. Shrelnes

Pvt. Shrelnes

Pvt. Shrelnes fought on Bataan. He survived the Death March, toe Capas boxcars, and POW camps. He also survived a hell ship voyage to Japan where he was forced to work as a slave laborer on the docks at Kobe. He was rescued and died in 1985 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Learn more about Pvt. Anthony J. Shrelnes here: http://bataanproject.com/Shrelnes.html


January 14, 2006

Sgt. William C. Alford (HQ)

Sgt. Alford

Sgt. Alford

Sgt. William C. Alford survived the Death March, Capas boxcars, Cabantuan POW camp and the hell ship Canadian Inventor. He was coal mine slave laborer in Japan. This photo is what he looked like as a POW. He died in Ithaca, New York in 2006.

Learn more about Sgt. Alford here: http://bataanproject.com/Alford.html