These historic audio files were found in the public domain. A list of sources is shown after each group of files. The numbers at the front of the files is the source date.
To listen to these files, use your Windows Media Player, iTunes or other MP3 player. To download these files, right click on the file link and then click on “Save as….”
1942 12 10 John Daly reports on Japanese attacks in the Philippines
1941 12 07 CBS Radio’s Ford Wilkins In Manila Cut-Off By US Censors
1941 12 08 CBS Radio’s Ford Wilkins In Manila
1942 05 07 KZRH Radio Gen. Wainwright Broadcasts Surrender Of Corregidor
1944 02 05 CAN Radio Gen. MacArthur At Flag-Raising Ceremony On Manila
1945 08 14 NBC Radio’s Don Oder Reporting Live From Chicago – VJ Day
1945 09 01 General MacArthur On Victory Over Japan
Source: Internet Archive,