Recommended Reading on Bataan Day

Recommended Reading on Bataan Day

Due to the pandemic, this year’s Maywood Bataan Day has been delayed until 2021. In the absence of an official memorial service, the Directors of the Maywood Bataan Day Organization recommend that interested person might want to revisit some prior Bataan Days...
2020 Bataan Day Postponed until 2021

2020 Bataan Day Postponed until 2021

A village tradition since 1942, the annual Maywood Bataan Day Memorial Service, scheduled for September 13, 2020, has been postponed until the second Sunday in 2021. Maywood Bataan Day Organization President Richard A. McMahon and the MBDO Board of Directors notified...
Maywood Bataan Day Booklet and Programme

Maywood Bataan Day Booklet and Programme

Click these links to download the Maywood Bataan Day booklet and programme for the event scheduled Sunday, 8 September 2019 at 2:30pm at the Veterans Memorial Park in Maywood, IL at the coner of 1st and Oak Avenues in Maywood. 2019 Maywood Bataan Day Booklet 2019...