Due to the pandemic, this year’s Maywood Bataan Day has been delayed until 2021. In the absence of an official memorial service, the Directors of the Maywood Bataan Day Organization recommend that interested person might want to revisit some prior Bataan Days through our extensive archives available here on our website.

In particular, we recommend the following posts:

Bataan Day Origins

Audio files – 77th Maywood Bataan Day 2019

Maywood Bataan Day 2011 – Col. Paul Hastings – Featured Speaker

Maywood Bataan Day 1955

We also recommend the following photo galleries:

Bataan Day 2019

Bataan Day 1942 – the FIRST Bataan Day!

We hope that these memories inspire you to reflect on the courage of the Men of Maywood, and all of those who put themselves in harm’s way to protect our freedoms in this country.

Thank you for your continued support and interest. May God continue to bless America!