Bataan Day 2019

Maywood Bataan Day Organization (MBDO) thanks Village of Maywood Mayor, Honorable Edwenna Perkins, and Officials Attending: Trustees Isiah Brandon, Miguel Jones, Village Manager Willie Norfleet, Jr., Police Chief Valdimir Talley, and Code Enforcement Chief David Flowers, Sr. also a MBDO Director and Chicago Philippine Consul General, Honorable Gina A. Jamoralin, Consul Ryan Gener, Cultural and Community Officer Noly Dulay, and Other Consulate Staff Attending: Jacqueline Cuevas, Emmanuel Milante, Ragan Maning, and Fritz John de Jesus for their support and participation in this Memorial Service.

Thanks go to the Veterans and Families for attending, especially the Family of the late Pvt. Daniel N. Stoudt (Co. A, 192nd Tank Battalion): Daughter Linda Frantz and Granddaughter Christina Bruckart were presented US and Philippine Awards for his service. The Memorial Prayer by Rev. Elliot Wimbush and the Benediction by Fr. (Captain) Cesar C. Pajarillo, Jr. The wonderful concert and Ceremony music by the 566th Air Force National Guard Band of the Midwest under the direction of Lt. Col. Bryan M. Miller. The hard work by the MBDO Board to make this event a success.

Special thanks to Robert Brotonel for many of the photos displayed here. Alex Gibson and Mary Hendrickson for the superb audio support. MBDO VP Walker’s Nephews Michael Stoner Morris & Stephen Walker Morris assisted in the Ceremony preparation.