Terms of Use

Welcome to the Maywood Bataan Day Organization website. We hope you become a regular visitor and contributor. While you are here, we request that you respect a few basic rules. These ensure that everyone has a pleasant user experience and are intended to benefit the MBDO community for years to come.

  1. If you intend to comment on an article you must use a personal, non-commercial URL or leave the URL field blank. Your URL should help us get to know who YOU are. Commercial URLs are unwelcome, give us no information about you, and are considered a form of Spam called Comment Spam.
  2. You must use either your real name or nickname when registering or commenting. Absolutely no “keyword” type names will be tolerated. If it even looks suspicious your comment will be deleted. (ie – “Ringtones”, “Watches”, “Free Downloads”, and so on.)
  3. Absolutely no paid comments are allowed. If you collected a single penny to leave comments you are unwelcome here. When we discover this 100% of your comments will be marked as Spam and deleted with impunity.
  4. You must not post any SPAM, links to Spam, Phishing sites, or other harmful content here. We will report every bit of data the server logs maintain on you to the proper authorities.
  5. No harsh, foul, demeaning or overly critical language is allowed. Disagreement and debate are perfectly fine, but let’s keep things civil.

Any post found to be in violation of any of these will be modified or deleted without warning.

Finally, please help one another, feel free to seek assistance, and generally treat others as you would wish to be treated.