Support Maywood Bataan Day - DonateYour donation in any amount will go to support the Maywood Bataan Day Organization in all of its efforts to preserve the memory of the Maywood men of Co. B and their legacy. 100% of all donated funds are used to maintain the Veterans Memorial and fund our educational efforts, as well as the annual Maywood Bataan Day Memorial Service.

Maywood Bataan Day Organization is a veterans’ organization, chartered under the requirements of the IRS as a 501(c)19 organization. Your donations are fully tax deductible under provision IRC 501(c)3 of the IRS code. Please retain your cancelled check for tax purposes. Contact us if you need additional information.

Please send all checks, payable to “MAYWOOD BATAAN DAY ORGANIZATION“.

Mail to:

c/o Edwin H. Walker, IV
209 S 3rd Ave.
Maywood, IL 60153

Thank you so much.

The MBDO Board of Directors